Sunday, February 23, 2014

Blog 6

                              Part 1:
This week we focused mainly on what Cuase demand curves to shift. On that subject that when something in demand's price changes doesn't Cuase shifts but things like popularity does. We also were introduced to supply and how it relates to demand but is slightly different.
                              Part 2:
My favorite pizza is Totinos pizza. There isn't much that makes me want less of it ... but if they ever added something like mushrooms to all of their kinds ... that would do it

T: totinos puts mushrooms on every variety of their pizza. That would shift the demand down because all the people like me who don't like mushrooms wouldn't buy it.
Rs: burger king's prices go up so more people might go to McDonalds or Wendy's instead.
Rc: milk's prices go up so people might buy less cereal or oreos
I: people's wages are raised and they can now afford better pizza. They (except me) would buy less totinos pizza
B: there was another baby boom and all of them now have minimum wages while going through college. The cheap filling pizzas will be bought more most likely.
E: Totino pizza's prices will rise next year. More people will buy them right now so they won't have to when the prices go up.
                           Part 3
Demand for hot cheetos is high
Because they are great
Except the truth

Monday, February 17, 2014

Blog 5

Part 1:
    This week I learned about the definition of Demand, which is the quantities of a good and service people are able and willing to buy. As prices fall quantities demanded rise. Diminishing marginal returns is for each additional unit there is less satisfaction. And the income effect is when we seem to have more money as prices go down because it goes further.
   So the airlines have elasticity because there aren't very many alternatives for those who need to get places fast. So they can fluctuate their prices based on the person's absolute need to get to a place asap. Vacationers that planned way ahead will be able to pay less than the buisness people who get last minute tickets. Last minute tickets are allowed to be higher priced because there is a limited supply of tickets AND the buisness folk are willing to pay way more than the people who had pre-planned their trip.
   The jobs I chose to look at:
        •occupational The ropy assist
        •physician assist
        •secretaries & admin assist
1. The growth and demand for these jobs are high because there are so many of the higher level people and not so many that want to help them be successfully.
2. Maybe offer free or cheap training lessons or offer them a gaurenteed job after the training is over so they don't have to worry about going through the long process of training but not having a job to go to afterwards.
3. Well assuming they are married to a person with equal pay the first and third one I chose have a pretty good lead to millionaredome but the second one puts the family above and beyond $120,000 a year it would be over $180,000 a year if they both had then same income.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blog 4

Part 1;

     So, for the most part we learned a lot about the three economic questions. What? How? and Who consumes? We also learned about the types of economies: Traditional, Centrally Planned, Free Market and Mixed. And that the united states is a mixed government where for the most part the citizens are free to do what they wish and have to be efficient to survive well but the Government does intervene on somethings so it's not a total free market society. And we also learned about the 6 basic goals, Economic: Freedom, Efficiency, Equity, Security, Stability, and Growth.

Part 2.

     1. One of the many goals he addressed was the jobs status in America. He's supposedly trying to create more jobs for those without jobs.

     2. Apparently there is a budget compromise that will allow more money for creating more jobs.

     3. The benefits are the possibilities of making more jobs and making our country more of the first class country it's supposed to be.

     4. The costs would be in the margin of even though creating more jobs is good for the people more of the budget we supposedly have should be going towards the substantial debt they we have dug ourselves into as a country over the last few centuries. I know that a lot would say there isn't much to do about that much debt and we have to worry about our current needs. Well ... what if the countries we owe money join together and say; HEY! America hasn't paid us anything in forever! Let's Take em down! What would we do? Another war means most likely another debt. Our every day money goes down in value due to inflation and a Crazy amount of Debt.