Sunday, February 23, 2014

Blog 6

                              Part 1:
This week we focused mainly on what Cuase demand curves to shift. On that subject that when something in demand's price changes doesn't Cuase shifts but things like popularity does. We also were introduced to supply and how it relates to demand but is slightly different.
                              Part 2:
My favorite pizza is Totinos pizza. There isn't much that makes me want less of it ... but if they ever added something like mushrooms to all of their kinds ... that would do it

T: totinos puts mushrooms on every variety of their pizza. That would shift the demand down because all the people like me who don't like mushrooms wouldn't buy it.
Rs: burger king's prices go up so more people might go to McDonalds or Wendy's instead.
Rc: milk's prices go up so people might buy less cereal or oreos
I: people's wages are raised and they can now afford better pizza. They (except me) would buy less totinos pizza
B: there was another baby boom and all of them now have minimum wages while going through college. The cheap filling pizzas will be bought more most likely.
E: Totino pizza's prices will rise next year. More people will buy them right now so they won't have to when the prices go up.
                           Part 3
Demand for hot cheetos is high
Because they are great
Except the truth

1 comment:

  1. Mae,

    Good blog. I'm a little confused on the Related Goods examples. Substitutes makes sense but compliments is a little bit confusing. The Haiku is awesome!

    Mr. C
